Platform for Data-Driven Discovery in Biomedicine

Information Commons is a platform for data-driven research that provides access to shared multi-modal patient- and population-level biomedical data and a wide range of exploration and analysis tools via secure computational environments. Information Commons welcomes self-serve use of the data and resources while providing support with a talented team of informatics and data science experts and a growing research data science community. Information Commons aims to minimize the time researchers and data scientists need to spend on preparation for projects and get to answering the research question as soon as possible. Information Commons vision is to enable scientific discovery and its translation to clinical care and precision medicine by lowering barriers to access and linking together data, computational capabilities, and shared knowledge.

Research Data Assets

Linkable multi-modal clinical data

  • 5.5M+ Patients
  • 135M+ Encounters
  • 40+ years of clinical activity
  • 130M+ Clinical Notes
  • 7.5M+ Clinical Images
  • 15K+ Cancer Genetic Testing Results

Deidentified * Standardized * No-IRB-Access

Learn about the Data

Data Tools

Open source and custom applications to support every part of data research.

Learn about the Tools

Computational Infrastructure

A variety of computing environments that serve a wide range of research needs. Ready to use with

  • Pre-installed data analysis and machine learning applications
  • Hosted and maintained UCSF research data assets
  • Cloud-based autoscaling capabilities
  • Secure on-premise workspaces for PHI-compliant analysis
  • On-demand access to GPUs
  • Access to UCSF Enterprise GitHub for secure version control

Learn about the Infrastructure

Researcher Community

Learn and collaborate with others working with data, tools and computational environments to conduct observational, clinical, biomedical, translational, and real-world-evidence research.

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Receive support from the Information Commons team and other researcher users. Contribute & share your data–driven methods.

Live Events:

Ask questions during office hours and other training sessions.

Documentation and Education:

Find how-to guides and project samples


Visit Infrastructure to decide on your environment, and request access:

(*Non-UCSF collaborators must complete UCSF Affiliation process before requesting access)

Consult Getting Started and visit Support to learn about different channels to ask questions and get help.

See our Wiki


Information Commons specializes in supporting integrative research.  Clinical data, doctors’ notes, radiology images, specialist and lab reports – all are used in multifactor studies, with many more forms to come.


See our Featured Research